Design Concepts
2 New Schools
Designing the 2 New Campuses Through
the Lense of Our Teachers
Capturing the Spirit of Carrizo Springs in the Design
Design Reveal
-Behind the Design-
**Conceptual Design**
Not to scale. Adjustments to spaces may be made as the design process continues. Classrooms will be adjusted accordingly to the District’s needs.

In 2023, our community came together to pass a transformative bond that will significantly enhance our school district. This bond will fund the construction of two new campuses, provide essential security and building upgrades, and introduce a new fleet of vehicles. These improvements are designed to create a safer, more modern, and efficient learning environment for our students and staff. Join us in celebrating this exciting step forward for Carrizo Springs CISD!

Authorized Projects
Amount passed
for the Bond
New Campuses
Elementary School
Intermediate School
Security & Building Improvements to JHS & HS Campuses
New Vehicles
For Student Transportation and Maintenance Department

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